5 Bisnis Online ini Masih Terus Bersinar di 2023

Apakah Anda berpikir untuk memulai bisnis online? Atau sedang mencari inovasi baru dan pengembangan bisnis? Berikut ini 5 bisnis online yang masih dan akan terus bersinar di 2023.

  1. Toko e-commerce: online shopping telah bertahun – tahun belakangan menjadi ladang bisnis yang subur, dan diprediksi masih akan terus bersinar serta menjanjikan keuntungan bagi pelakunya. Dengan terus meningkatnya jumlah orang yang memilih belanja online dengan segala kemudahannya, e-commerce akan makin berkembang pesat.
  2. Layanan kesehatan dan kebugaran: industri kesehatan dan kebugaran global berkembang dengan pesat di tahun – tahun belakang, dan dengan berkembangnya trend digital health maka bisnis online pada sektor ini dipastikan akan semakin maju. Permintaan akan jasa online seperti konsultasi dokter dan pembelian obat online, coaching kebugaran, dan konseling kesehatan mental akan terus meningkat.
  3. Pendidikan online: dengan kejadian pandemi COVID-19, semakin banyak orang beralih ke pendidikan online untuk meningkatkan keahlian dan kualifikasinya. Popularitas kursus online, sertifikasi online dan jasa tutoring diprediksi akan terus meningkat hingga tahun – tahun ke depan. 
  4. Pemasaran dan periklanan digital: dengan semakin banyak bisnis beralih dan berintegrasi ke digital dan pasar digital semakin besar maka meningkat pula permintaan untuk jasa marketing dan periklanan online. Bisnis membutuhkan dukungan pada area – area seperti search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, periklanan online hingga layanan omnichannel untuk menjangkau target konsumen dengan efisien. 
  5. Hiburan online: industri hiburan turut beralih dan berintegrasi ke platform digital, dan trend ini masih akan terus berkembang. Trend online gaming, layanan streaming online, dan event – event virtual diperkirakan akan terus dan semakin populer di tahun – tahun mendatang dengan semakin banyaknya orang memilih untuk menikmati hiburan dari kenyamanan ruang pribadinya. 

Semoga dapat bermanfaat dan sampai jumpa!

Tiara Nurhalida

A former marketing professional based in Indonesia. Currently a Human Resource and General Affair Manager, Business observer and writer.

3 Tips Sales Pitch untuk Strategi Telemarketing di 2023

Apakah anda masih menggunakan telemarketing dalam strategi marketing anda? Atau berencana menggunakan strategi telemarketing untuk meningkatkan awareness dan pada akhirnya penjualan? Salah satu poin paling penting pada pelaksanaan startegi ini adalah sales pitch yaitu kalimat, materi dan teknik penjualan yang persuasif dan menarik. Beberapa tips sales pitch ini dapat menjadi pertimbangan dalam penggunaan strategi ini baik pada kontak cold call maupun remarketing di 2023. 

Daftar sales pitch plus

Telemarketing tidak mudah dan anda bukan satu-satunya yang memiliki daftar target yang sama untuk dihubungi. Sales pitch atau kalimat persuasif penjualan yang berhasil atau mengena untuk seseorang bisa jadi tak sesuai untuk orang yang lain. Sehingga idealnya daftar sales pitch yang siap digunakan disiapkan dengan lebih terencana dan dilengkapi dengan catatan singkat mengenai prospek dari mereka yang bertugas melakukan target research. 

Cognitive biases sales pitch 

Tip ini mengajak anda untuk mempertimbangkan bias-bias kognitif yang bekerja dibawah sadar manusia pada pendekatan sales anda. Bias kognitif adalah kesalahan sistematis dalam berpikir, memengaruhi cara kita memproses informasi, memahami orang lain, dan membuat keputusan. Termasuk penggunaan power words, dan pendekatan – pendekatan sales yang lebih fokus pada prospek pitch Anda. 

Sales pitch kombinasi

Sekali lagi anda bukan satu – satunya yang memiliki nomor kontak para target telemarketing yang anda miliki. Para target telemarketing umumnya telah berulangkali dihubungi banyak salesperson yang menawarkan beragam produk dan jasa. Belum lagi apabila mempertimbangkan waktu para prospek yang harus dihargai. 

Sudah saatnya sales team melakukan telemarketing yang terintegrasi antara kontak melalui sambungan telepon dengan pesan WhatsApp, email dan sosial media sehingga sales pitch via telepon dapat dipersingkat apabila keadaan membutuhkan. Meningkatkan efisiensi dan menurunkan tingkat gangguan yang umumnya menjadi keluhan para target telemarketing. 

Keuntungan lainnya, anda berkesempatan mendapatkan informasi kontak lead generation yang lebih lengkap, berkesempatan pitching secara visual dan berpeluang melibatkan para target pada channel marketing anda lainnya.

Strategi Penetapan Harga untuk Barang yang Umum Dijual

Bukan rahasia lagi bila konsumen umumnya melakukan riset baik pada platform yang sama pada marketplace, maupun platform – platform berbeda. Semakin mahal harga barang, semakin ekstensif riset yang dilakukan. Jadi, faktor apa yang mempengaruhi penetapan harga atau pricing untuk produk retail atau produk yang umum dijual? Apakah selalu harus harga termurah untuk memenangkan persaingan?

Strategi pnetapan harga atau pricing strategy dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor termasuk harga pokok penjualan, harga yang ditetapkan kompetitor, kondisi penawaran dan permintaan (supply and demand).

Selain itu, persepsi konsumen, taget pasar, musim dan trend yang sedang berlangsung, promosi dan pemasaran serta faktor – faktor eksternal seperti kondisi perekonomian, tingkat inflasi dan atau kebijakan pemerintah setempat. 

Jadi, apakah selalu harga termurah untuk memenangkan persaingan pada penjualan barang – barang yang umum dijual? Jawabannya tentu saja tidak.

Berikut ini beberapa tips dan strategi untuk menetapkan harga yang menguntungkan namun tetap kompetitif saat anda menjual barang yang umum atau grosir.

  1. Lakukan atau beri sedikit lebih banyak untuk konsumen anda. Misalnya, packaging yang menarik dan dapat digunakan kembali dimana terdapat logo dan informasi toko anda bisa menjadi sesuatu yang berguna untuk konsumen anda dan juga menjadi agen pemasaran anda.
  2. Ketika anda menjual yang dijual semua orang, maka jual hubungan. Customer service dan komunikasi sosial media anda bisa memberi perbedaan yang berarti.
  3. Shameless self-promote? Mengapa tidak meminta konsumen anda untuk membantu promosi? Tidak ada yang salah untuk meminta positif review atau testimonial setelah pengiriman yang sukses. Review pelanggan, terutama yang up-to-date bisa jadi jauh lebih berharga untuk bisnis anda dibandingkan jumlah followers sosial media. 
  4. Target market di area yang relatif dekat dengan letak geografis anda. Waktu dan biaya pengiriman adalah salah satu faktor terbesar yang menentukan konsumen menyelesaikan atau membatalkan pembelian. Perhatikan target pasar yang dekat dengan anda, karena pasar ini bisa jadi rela membayar sedikit lebih tinggi untuk waktu yang lebih cepat dan harga pengiriman yang lebih rendah.

Perlu untuk dicatat bahwa tingkat pentingnya faktor – faktor diatas bisa bervariasi tergantung pada industri, kategori produk dan kondisi usaha bisnis tertentu. Penjual harus dapat menganalisa hal – hal tersebut secara cermat dan menentukan keseimbangan dalam menetapkan harga. Karena strategi pricing ini cukup krusial, anda mungkin dapat mendiskusikannya lebih lanjut dengan agensi ecommerce anda. 

Tiara Nurhalida

A former marketing professional based in Indonesia. Currently an enthusiast business, sales and marketing trend observer, and writer.

E-commerce Pricing Strategy for Generic Items

It is no secret that consumers typically conduct research within and across platforms before proceeding with a purchase. The higher the price, the more extensive the research. What factors influence retail pricing strategy? Is it always about how low can you go to win the competition? 

Retail pricing is influenced by many factors, including the cost of goods, competitors’ prices, demand and supply, consumer perceptions, target market, seasonality and trends, marketing and promotions also play a part, and external factors such as economic conditions, inflations, or government regulations. 

So, is the e-commerce pricing strategy always about the lowest price? The answer is no. 

Here are more tips and strategies for setting profitable prices while remaining competitive when you sell generic or wholesale items:

  1. Go the extra mile. A presentable reusable package, for example, can be a valuable addition, especially if it can carry your logo and information about your shop with it. 
  2. When you sell what everybody sells, sell relationships. Excellent customer service and social media communication make a significant difference. 
  3. Shameless self-promote? What about asking consumers to promote? After a successful delivery, ask for a positive review or testimonial. There is no shame in that. Reviews, especially recent ones, matter more than the number of followers you have on social media. 
  4. Geographical target market. Pay attention to those who are geographically closer to you. In exchange for faster delivery times and lower shipping costs, this market would be willing to pay a little higher.

It’s important to note that the importance of those factors can vary depending on the industry, product category, and specific business circumstances. Retailers must carefully analyze these factors and find the right balance to set prices that are attractive to customers while still maintaining profitability. As pricing strategy is crucial, you may want to discuss it further with your e-commerce agency.

E-commerce Laws and Regulations Online Retailers Should Be Aware Of!

In order for businesses to operate ethically and within boundaries, governments establish laws and regulations. Companies that adhere to these laws and regulations can build a good reputation and trust with their consumers. On the other hand, failing to comply with these regulations can lead to serious financial and legal consequences. 

The e-commerce laws and regulations also ensure that businesses are held accountable for their actions and that consumers are well-protected from any risk of harm. Some regulations online retailers should review and know include consumer protection laws, privacy protection laws, tax laws, and data protection laws.  An example of a privacy issue that consumers need to be protected from is the risk of compromised visitors’ personal data whether it is intentional or the result of human errors. 

Depending on the country, different laws may apply to online retailers. It is essential to understand the local laws and regulations before beginning any online business. Adherence to these laws can help protect businesses from potential legal penalties. Retailers should also be aware of any applicable industry-specific laws. 

Apart from the aforementioned, here are other common laws and regulations you as online retailers should be aware of: 

  • Licenses and permits
  • Insurance
  • Sales tax
  • PCI compliance
  • Zoning laws
  • Trademarks, patents, and copyrights
  • Restrictions on shipping

There are many attorney’s offices that provide e-commerce support or you can also discuss it with an e-commerce agency to ensure your e-commerce site and business are operating within the boundaries of laws and regulations. 

Tiara Nurhalida

A former marketing professional based in Indonesia. Currently an enthusiast business, sales and marketing trend observer, and writer.

Entrepreneur Social Burnout

Entrepreneurship is a dynamic career path that many people choose over employment. However, Taking on the role of an entrepreneur involves overcoming several mental and physical challenges, for one, entrepreneur social burnout. The line of work requires a highly social activity. After all, it’s all about building something from nothing. 

Social activities have many benefits for entrepreneurs. They can build connections, learn new skills, and develop new business ideas. Although the benefits of socializing are numerous for entrepreneurs, in some cases, it may lead to burnout. For instance, the constant hustle of networking events, online social engagements, and other forms of socializing can become overwhelming and leave entrepreneurs feeling drained and exhausted. 

According to research, whether the person is leaning toward extroversion or introversion, extended interpersonal interaction over 3 hours affects overall well-being negatively. You may experience detachment from others, irritability, diminished focus, and physical and mental exhaustion if you are suffering from societal burnout. If this condition is prolonged, it may lead to anxiety or depression.

There are three main types of social activities that can have negative effects on entrepreneurs:

  1. Social interaction that is too intense or prolonged.
  2. Social interaction that is too one-sided or superficial.
  3. Social interaction that is not helpful or beneficial. 

The good news is that there are simple ways to combat entrepreneurial burnout: 

  • Setting boundaries with your social media and networking obligations.
  • Effective team communication. Check-ins with your team on a schedule instead of randomly all through the day.
  • Taking a periodical full break from work. Sometimes it  can feel like there’s no time for a break, right? But it’s crucial for the long run.
  • Daily physical and emotional self-care is of paramount importance for entrepreneurs. This can be regular exercise, clean eating, body and hair care, and praying or meditation. 
  • Make sure to celebrate your every little wins, for example, you can keep a gratitude journal.
  • Seek professional therapist’s help and support if needed. There’s no shame in getting help. 

Last but not least, automate your business as much as possible. Seriously! This will eliminate risks of human errors and technical complications that potentially become a source of stress.  

Tiara Nurhalida

A former marketing professional based in Indonesia. Currently an enthusiast business, sales and marketing trend observer, and writer.

How to Start Selling Online as a Side Hustle and What Best to Sell?

Many entrepreneurs start their own businesses as a side hustle before the business grows and demands more attention and energy. Or if the side hustle has been able to generate income that is equal or more than the main job. 

Especially in the digital era, working on a side hustle to make money online is easier than ever. If you are thinking of becoming an online seller as a side hustle, here are 5 ways to start it effectively and confidently.

Identify Your Niche Market

This means you are digging deeper to find your specific market from a larger target consumer group. 

For example, you want to target men aged 20 to 30. An example of your niche market would be men aged 20 to 30 in [location] who enjoy mountain trekking and camping. 

Another example, your larger target consumers may be women aged 30 to 40 in the USA, and your niche market can be women aged 30 to 40 in the USA who are stay-at-home moms who enjoy books and movies from the comfort of their own home.

The easiest way to decide what niche you want to hit is to identify a market that you already know inside and out. This is yourself and your ‘tribe’, which are people who have common interests with you, or people with whom you can relate in one or more specific ways. 

Decide What You Want to Sell

So you have identified your niche market. Who are they? What do they need? What do they want? What makes them feel happy, content, fulfilled? What are their problems and what product would help solve them? Come up with some more questions that will help you get a clear picture of what you want your store to offer. 

The next question is, where will you get those items? You may need a little more time to research and compare the pros and cons of suppliers taking into consideration your time and schedule. If you don’t have flexible working hours at your main job, look for suppliers who will accommodate your limited time and offer the most favorable deal.  

Research Your Competitors and Identify Your Uniqueness 

Look for other sellers with the same or similar products, or sellers who are targeting the same niche market. How will you be different? How will you improve the shopping experience of this particular group of consumers? 

Putting yourself in the consumer’s place, what would motivate you to purchase a particular product? How do you decide which one to buy from? Keep asking yourself questions to help you develop a solid concept of your unique selling point. Remember, consumers’ journeys are not always about the lowest or cheapest price, and delivery is the end goal. 

Just Do It

It is imperative to note that there are many more tips and hacks on how to get started. However, once you have covered the above, you are basically ready to begin your journey. One of the most effective options to start making money from online selling as a side hustle is to open free stores on marketplaces. 

Get Started with ECCS from e-Agency

To ensure that your inventory and sales are recorded well, use affordable automation such as ECCS from e-Agency.  Enterprise Commerce Cloud Service (ECCS) is an agile and established omnichannel system that ensures cost-effectiveness and cost-efficiency of both fixed and variable costs such as human resources, physical store as well as inventory and delivery management and execution. 

Adopting cloud server technology, ECCS is centralised and accessible by authorized multiple users and automatically collects product sales trend reports for each channel and each region. Additionally, an inventory control system could track online & offline channels and distribute inventory according to sales in real-time.

Tiara Nurhalida

A former marketing professional based in Indonesia. Currently an enthusiast business, sales and marketing trend observer, and writer. 

Ecommerce Website Shopping Cart All You Need to Know

Customers begin their journey on an e-commerce platform by browsing the product page. The customer browses through product information, images, videos, and reviews, then either leaves the page, goes to the wishlist, or continues to the shopping cart. When the customer’s journey leads to the shopping cart, it is crucial for the e-commerce site to ensure a well-designed flow for customers to experience and complete the check-out process. A shopping cart that does not deliver a convenient experience may result in pending or canceled orders. Therefore, e-commerce websites require shopping cart software that caters to customers’ and businesses needs.

E-commerce Shopping Cart Software: Price

Price matters, but ensure you get the most suitable quality product that covers your business needs and responds best to customers’ demands. Typically, there are various plans that you can choose from based on your needs. 

E-commerce Shopping Cart Software: Payment Methods 

Typically, shopping cart software includes several payment methods to meet your customers’ needs. However, do these options best meet the needs of the majority of your current and potential customers? Do the options available match the business’ needs? If the majority of your customers prefer to pay with local bank transfers, it is wise to find shopping cart software that supports that option. 

E-commerce Shopping Cart Software: Implementation and Usage

Unless you have your own IT team, it is best to use e-commerce software that has little to no hassle in the installment process and is user-friendly. The latter means it should be easy to understand with short steps for the customers’ purchasing process, and easy for the shop’s admins to manage orders from the cart. 

E-commerce Shopping Cart: After-Sales Service

Trusted e-commerce software providers generally offer after-sales service which is any assistance offered to a customer after the purchase of a product. Support can be in the form of training to use the product, assistance with installation, support with the usage of shopping cart software, and so on. To gain a clear understanding of the availability of after-sales service, you can speak with Chat Support or use the contact form on the website. 

E-commerce Shopping Cart: Real-Time Synchronisation and Real-Time Data 

Shopping cart software is ideally able to provide clients with sales data from when the item enters a shopping cart up to the purchase completion. Some software offers real-time data, some others provide periodical data which are both great, but if you want to be able to take immediate actions, establishing real-time data and insight will be the recommended option. 

Start With Canal Cart from  e-Agency

Canal Cart is an E-commerce Cart System that helps expand your business from offline to online. It is a concept of O2O.  Canal Cart provides real-time data in sale orders data, offline inventory data, and online inventory data. Offline inventory data is auto-synced with offline inventory data and you could monitor it in a single platform. Detailed sales information is tabulated with the download function.

With easy 3 steps implementation and user-friendly user tools. Full support will be given from us throughout your operations. Canal Cart from e-agency automatically synced your offline store and online store with all inventory data, product data, customer data, and sales order data. Better management could be easily done with just a click anywhere. Talk to us here.

Tiara Nurhalida

A former marketing professional based in Indonesia. Currently an enthusiast business, sales, and marketing trend observer, and writer.

5 Common Detrimental Inventory Management Problems

Inventory management is often handled manually or with outdated software in some businesses, that lead to an inefficient operational system, inaccurate planning and reporting, resulting in a set back and potentially have detrimental effects. These five common inventory management problems are often overlooked, 

Accessibility and visibility issues

A good inventory management system would be able to locate where a particular item is stored with the click of a button. Additionally, the warehouse should have sufficient and organized space for each group of items to be visible and accessible. Yet, that is not always the case when inventory management is ineffective, moreover when it is handled manually. 

Overstocks, understock and out of stocks

Especially when the cycle of a particular item is short, overstocking can disrupt cash flow. On the other hand, understocking leads to chaotic stock management. When the seller cannot meet demand due to being understocked, or out of stock, a disorganized restocking schedule is not just frustrating but also becomes a potential loss. 

Loss of inventory

Another big problem is inventory losses caused by theft, damage, spoilage, obsolete, and so on; this supply chain issue requires the ability of a system to properly pinpoint, track, and measure the problem and blindspots in the area, swiftly and accurately. 

Multi-Platform Process Errors

It is the age of multi-platform sales, whether between online platforms or between online and offline. On online platforms, sales, regardless of where they occur, should be processed in the same way, streamlined, on a first-come, first-served basis for consumers, and according to the principle of first in, first out for stock. A single dashboard that tracks sales in real-time from multi-platform is the most effective way to do this.

Miscommunication Between Units or Within a Unit

Ideally, communication between the marketing, sales, inventory and finance departments, or within a department is clear and concise. However, it is inevitable that miscommunications will occur. These miscommunications can negatively affect the performance of a department or working unit, including the inventory department. The work unit is responsible for receiving, storing, and distributing goods promptly and efficiently. By using automation as much as possible, you can reduce the chances of this human error occurring. . 

Get Started with e-Agency

In addition to providing retailers with a well-organized warehouse, e-Agency also enables them to track and report their inventory in real-time using cutting-edge technology. 

Tiara Nurhalida

A former marketing professional based in Indonesia. Currently an enthusiast business, sales and marketing trend observer, and writer. 

Visual Keys That Boost Online Sales

Ideally, there is high demand for your products and fewer competitors, correct? However, that is rarely the case. The chance is some sellers sell the same products or products that serve, more or less, the same purpose as yours. Therefore many factors affect consumers’ decision to purchase from a store, and one of the factors is visual.   

There is no doubt that visual elements are crucial to the success of an online store. Studies show that humans are visual creatures, and visual cues affect decision-making. In many cases, what shoppers see influences what they buy. Justuno confirmed in their published statistics that 93% of consumers consider visual appearance to be the key-deciding factor in a purchasing decision.  

Product Images

Images you provide should be a mix of product-only images with a clean, white background and the product in action. The first type offers detailed information that consumers may want to know, while the latter presents the product at scale and brings it to life. 

Product Video

It is not surprising that product videos are gaining popularity. They not only bring a product to life but also present it in three dimensions and provide a more realistic perspective.

Some of the product videos include tutorials (can be short for social media or in-depth) on how to use or get started with your product. Another type is showcase videos to highlight the features or details. Another form is an explainer video. This latter is said to be a powerful tool to convince and convert if delivered well and follows the 3 Cs of effective communication: clear, concise, and complete. 

Live Commerce

Live commerce or Livestream commerce is technically a type of product video, where a host presents the product with engaging and persuasive communication. Live commerce provides an opportunity for a direct conversation and a live shop right then and there. This Livestream type of video can be powerful to build a sense of urgency and is commonly executed in social media live or marketplace live sessions. 

Furthermore, a product video needs to have 3 essential components: 360-degree views, a sense of product dimension, and a call to action.

However, in a noisy digital world, you don’t have much time to catch attention and create a favourable first impression that peaks interest. Consequently, it is vital to provide your consumers with quality visuals that are attractive, engaging, and informative. 

Tiara Nurhalida

A former marketing professional based in Indonesia. Currently an enthusiast business, sales and marketing trend observer, and writer.